Friday, June 6, 2008

Learn Japanese Easily

Learn Japanese Easily - Back To The Basics (Part 4)

The last of the four main basic abilities you need to learn Japanese easily is the ability to speak. It is much easier to understand Japanese when spoken than it is to express yourself in Japanese. Why? Because it is less difficult to translate Japanese into English when you hear it, compared to when you have to translate English into Japanese when you want to speak it. This is because there are Japanese words that we can recognize easily when hearing Japanese called "passive vocabulary". And there are Japanese words that we struggle to recall when speaking Japanese called "active vocabulary", but when heard we instantly remember them. You should aim to get more experience listening to and speaking real day-to-day Japanese. More exposure to Japanese, as it is spoken on the street, will improve your oral proficiency and make your spoken Japanese sound more natural and less like your Japanese textbook.

Learn Japanese Easily

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